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    "NOTHING MATTERS" is an investigative documentary trilogy presently in research and development. ​This documentary trilogy is the comprehensive study of fact based evidence on the effectiveness of disinformation campaigns fuelling and weaponizing voters' decisions at the ballot box.
     A generation ago Canadians flocked to the polls. The 1958, 1960, and 1963 voter turnout in federal elections was a healthy 79%. Fifty years later the election of 2008 registered the lowest voter turnout on record at 58.8%. Ontario's Provincial Election of 2022 recorded an abysmal 43.5%.  "Nothing Matters"  explorers voter apathy is a result of disinformation campaigns.  The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, 4.6 million fewer ballots cast than 2020 and 84 million eligible voters did not cast a ballot. In the United KIngdom only 52% of eligible voters went to the polls. Australia has made the vote mandatory n 1920 and enjoys 90% turnouts.
   The onslaught of disinformation influences voters to make decisions based on lies and conspiracy theories. Critical thinking, in an anger driven electorate, has been all but erased. This was radically evident in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. 
​​ "NOTHING MATTERS" travels Canada and beyond her borders to democracies under siege by sophisticated misinformation-disinformation cyber campaigns incited by both candidates and incumbents "NOTHING MATTERS"  walks the halls of power, sits at the family kitchen table and opens doors to backrooms from which disinformation campaigns are created and launched. 
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